In this quick video we are going to see how you can use the Otagem Calendar to Timesheet Flow to convert events in your Outlook Calendar into Timesheet Entries in SharePoint. In your Outlook Calendar, right-click on your Calendar Event and select Categorise. This shows a list of Categories or Project Codes that you can apply to your Calendar Event. You can easily extend this list of Categories to reflect your Project Codes by using the "New Category" Option. Simply select the Category which applies to your Calendar Event. Behind the scenes, a Flow will then run which updates the Timesheet system in SharePoint with the details of the Calendar Event, including the Date Worked, Category, Title, and Duration . Remember, updating or deleting a Calendar Event in your Outlook Calendar will also update or delete the corresponding entry in the Timesheet List. In the Timesheet System in SharePoint, by default you will see your entries up to and including Today, showing the Date Worked, the Category (or Project Code), the Title of the Calendar Event and the Duration. You can also see the timesheet entries of all users by selecting the "All Items" view from the Views Dropdown. You can see the total hours worked at the bottom of the list, and you can also filter entries using the "Category Filter" or "Group By" options at the top of the list. Additional Reports can be easily created by creating new SharePoint views.
Converting Outlook Events to SharePoint Timesheet Entries - a Quick Overview
Updated: Sep 23, 2022